Vine Teachers

Dōshō Port Rōshi is a senior Zen teacher who began practice in 1977 with the Zen pioneer, Dainin Katagiri Rōshi. Dōshō received dharma transmission from Katagiri Rōshi following thirteen years of rigorous training. After Katagiri Rōshi's death in 1990, Dōshō went on to study with twenty Zen teachers in Europe, Japan and the US, receiving inka shōmei from James Myōun Ford Rōshi in the Harada-Yasutani hybrid lineage in 2015.

Dōshō co-teaches with Tetsugan Sensei through Vine of Obstacles Zen. He is the author of Keep Me In Your Heart a While: The Haunting Zen of Dainin Katagiri; The Record of Empty Hall: One Hundred Classic Koans; and the recently published Going Through the Mystery's One Hundred Questions. Dōshō's writings can be found here. His most recent contribution to Tricycle: The Buddhist Review, We Are All This Luminous Mind: The Possibility and Importance of Awakening, ​can be found here.

Tetsugan Zummach Sensei was introduced to meditation through Iyengar yoga practice in the mid-90s, and has been a practitioner of Zen for over 25 years, training and studying in residential temples, monasteries, and Zen centers throughout the US. She is an ordained priest and spiritual director, and received authorization to formally teach Zen with Denkai transmission in the Harada-Yasutani lineage from James Myōun Ford Rōshi, and full dharma transmission from Dōshō Port Roshi in the Katagiri lineage.

Her teaching is also influenced by training in the practices of Morita therapy and Naikan (known as Japanese Psychology) via the ToDo Institute, and the wisdom of the Enneagram.

She has also studied and practiced the Nyōhō-e style of Japanese Buddhist rakusu and kesa sewing with Tomoe Katagiri, and shares this practice with others.